Saturday, June 30, 2007
30 June 2007
4:45--Jennifer feeling much better, we went for a long walk because she was getting antsy, bought some fresh fruits and made a fruit salad and started cleaning this place up so we can leave early tomorrow.
8:30--Mom and Brian just got back from a pretty full day of travel and sights. They hopped on the train from Catford to London Bridge, then the Tube (Underground/subway) to Liverpool Street train station, then by train to Ipswich about 80 minutes NE of London on the coast - home to Doggett family ancestors. They did research in the local county archive and found the handwritten accounts of Bejamin Doggett's 1636 birth and 1664 marriage to Sarah Gerrard. Those folks emigrated to Virginia in the early 1670s and a descendant fought in the American Revolution against the Brits a century later! Then our intrepid travellers went to the 12th c. church in town and took a picture where Benjamin was baptized. After that it was off on another train to Cambridge, where they stopped by St Johns College (where Benjamin studied and graduated), a bridge on the River Cam, and a lovely walk through the medieval part of town. At 6:15 it was back on yet another train back to London, followed by Tube and train home to Catford where they have just walked in! Super day!
Friday, June 29, 2007
29 June- Lazy day
Thursday, June 28, 2007
28th June- Wandering London
They were preparing for a parade celebrating 100 years of women in their Armed Forces, so we stayed and watched that too. We walked down to St. James Park to catch the Tube to Embankment, walked to Charing Cross and then got on a Train back home. We did good!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
27 June 2007- Boat Cruise, London Eye
Woke up to a little bit of sun peeking out from the clouds so we headed into the city to take advantage of the free boat ride included on our bus tour ticket. We took the train to Westminster station and boarded the boat right beside the London Eye. We got off at Greenwich and walked past the National Maritime Museum, the Royal Naval College and up the hill to the Royal Observatory where Brian got a picture of the three women, one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere and one in the West. Great views from up there.
Then we got back on the boat and ended up back at the London Eye. We bought our tickets and the line moved pretty fast so soon we were on our way up into the air! Great views again, but as we got off the ride it started to rain, again.
We had an early supper next to Westminster Abbey, then toured this huge old church and saw the tombs of many of the late kings and prime ministers. We listened to Big Ben chime at 6 and 7 pm, then headed home.
June23rd- Borders Abbey Tour
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
25 June- Tower of London, Tower Bridge
We caught the train at Catford Bridge and then took the tube to the Tower of London.
We then walked over to St. Paul's Cathedral and it was beautiful, but no pictures allowed inside.
We then took the tube to Covent Garden where we had drinks at the Nags Head Pub. Great names on these pubs! We met Jennifer's friend Neil Salton at the Crusting Pipe Pub in Covent Gardens and then went for dinner with him at an Italian place, excellent food and great conversation.
Then we tubed and trained back home.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
June 22 Edinburgh, Scotland

We took a bus tour after walking half of the mile, and had a very entertaining tour guide. The Holyrood palace was closed because something important was going on there, but we don't know what. The above is a monument to Sir Walter Scott, and we also visited a museum to him, Robert Burns and Robert Louis Stevenson. Altogether a full day, and Mom's feet were not doing well, so she was glad to get on the bus. She has been very happy with her knees and hips, and this was the first bad time she had. She blames it all on her shoes. Brian went to the local pub last night and enjoyed the local atmosphere.
Friday, June 22, 2007
June 21 Heading North to Scotland

Did you know that the keyboards on the computers over here are different? Takes a little getting used to.
Yesterday we drove up from Frome to Rosewell, just south of Edinburgh. We stopped regularly but our only tourist stop was at an ancient Roman fort on Hadrian's Wall where we were able to walk the layout and commune with some sheep. I am writing this at an internet cafe so will load the pictures later.

Friday June 22
Our cottage for the next few days is in a wooded mature garden setting and I am thoroughly enjoying the books in the library. I found one on funny last wills and testaments and it gave us all the giggles this morning. We caught the bus into Edinburgh, about 55 minute drive, and it is misty and foggy and you cannot see the castle from where we are on the Royal Mile, but hopefully it will burn off soon. More later.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
June 20th- Cornwall-Tintagel

Here we are out at the ruins of Tintagel castle-quite the forbidding location and I can't imagine they had to fight anyone off--who would want to invade? In the legend, Merlin disguises Uther as Ygrain's husband, Gorlois, the duke of Cornwall. He sneaks him up the cliffs and into the castle where she welcomes him and Arthur is conceived. I didn't like climbing up there with stairs, let alone sneaking up the cliff face.

It was quite a climb up there and we left Mom at the Cafe at the bottom. In order to get there we hiked down and back up again--Mom rode down in a Landcruiser and decided to walk back up with us because she felt she hadn't had enough exercise yet that day. Hah! She has had enough now!

The weather has been cool so we have both been wearing our jeans, which we only packed just in case. Just goes to show you! We are getting up early tomorrow and heading north to Scotland. It will probably be colder there, but hopefully by the time we get down to London we will see some warmer weather.
19th June- Bath

From there we walked out side to the Roman Baths, right next door. They were just found in the last 150 years and excavated out. They are 15 feet below the street level. The water is green because they are now exposed to the sun, and the algae grow. They would have been clear and very hot in 200 a.d. The Pump Room was right next door and we didn't have tea there, just looked and checked it out. Very nice, Beau Nash did a good job!

We then hopped on a sightseeing bus tour for the rest of the city, and went around once just to figure out where we wanted to see more. Mom on the top of the bus,....Next stop Jane Austen's for tea.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
18th June---Lazy day
Monday, June 18, 2007
June 17th Sunday

Mom wanted to see some gardens, so we headed south to Stourhead Gardens and walked a two mile course through them. Beautiful vistas planned to take advantage of many very MATURE trees and the lake.

We then headed south to the Coast and looked for Woodend- a home of George Berkeley for a few years. We ended up on crazy back roads of only one lane, hemmed in completely by trees and hedges, but eventually found it. We got the name of the current owner and Brian will contact her later. She is 93 and was taking her nap.

Then we went to Southampton and the old walled town is somewhat visible-

On our way home we went through the NEW forest and Kate navigated an extra long tour home ( I missed an exit, what can I say!) We had dinner at a great Italian restaurant in Ilchester.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
June 16, 2007 in Frome
We drove to St Peters in West Molesy to find the tomb of Admiral Berkeley. We found he was actually buried in a tomb beneath the church, but got pictures of Brian in front of the memorial plaque.

- We then drove down to Salisbury and saw the wonderful Cathedral and once again took many pictures.
- From there we drove out over the plains to STONEHENGE. What a great stop.
- We then proceded to find our cottage and went to bed at 9.

Mom and I woke up to breakfast in bed, served by my wonderful little brother, Brian.
- We left early and drove to Wales, to the capital of Cardiff. We spent some time in Cardiff castle.
- We then drove east to Caerleon roman ruins and saw the Ampitheater and museum and had lunch at the Priory where Brian loved the Creme Brulee.
We then drove on to Berkeley Castle where Brian helped the docent on the tour. - Home again, driving through the Cotswolds.I know this is very brief, but I am using the computer in my hosts home and they are expecting guests soon.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
On the road again--
I lately discovered BookMooch and have been throwing lots of my books up on the swap site. There should be a link at the bottom of the side bar on the left. I also just barely started putting my Library up on LIBRARYTHING but they have been down for repairs for the last few days so I am just looking at all the books thinking how the heck am I going to get them all listed! I started with the Science Fiction first, since the computer is set up in front of that bookcase--but YIKES, I have a lot of books! It is pretty easy with the newer books with ISBN numbers on them, but earlier than 1970 I am going to have to enter a lot more information. This might be a good time to decide what I really NEED to keep, but culling is hard.
ALL RIGHT!!--my ride is here. I will be in contact when I can--Love to all.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Brian in London-his luggage in India

Monday, June 11, 2007
Brian is on his way!
I am all packed and finishing last minute things around the house, still have to work tomorrow, but then I am officially on VACATION. Just turned on the airconditioner for the first time, so I at least am hoping it will be a bit cooler there.